Sleep Apnea Treatment in Queens, NY
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Best Sleep Apnea by CitiDental
If you ever feel like you’re choking when you sleep, you might have sleep apnea, a disorder that also is closely related to heavy snoring. It’s a common condition and is more prevalent in men than women. Now you don’t need a specialist for sleep apnea treatment. Your dentist at CitiDental is trained to diagnosis and treat the condition. Talk with him to get fitted with a device that just may allow you to get back to sleep, safely and quietly.
Sleep apnea is a kind of obstructive sleep disorder. The condition causes regular breathing interruptions as you sleep. When you’ve got the disorder, it causes your throat muscles to block airways as you sleep. Snoring and jumping awake with the feeling of choking are signs of the obstructive sleep condition.

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Read More About Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder. It’s serious because it creates the situation during which the muscles in your throat relax. You’re asleep and can’t tighten them, resulting in blocked airways. The most noticeable symptom of sleep apnea is heavy snoring, but you may not even realize the danger you’re in.
Other signs that you may require sleep apnea treatment options help your Queens dentist determine its severity. Symptoms, as reported by the Mayo Clinic, include:
- Fatigue when awake
- Headaches when you wake up
- Coughing or choking that disturb your sleep
- Dry mouth after sleeping
- Difficulty concentrating throughout the day
- Depression or irritability
- High blood pressure
- Reduced libido
- Night sweats
Your CitiDental dentist determines the best treatment for sleep apnea for your individual case based on how badly your symptoms affect your health. He seeks to find how many times your airways close every hour while you’re sleeping. He MAY request that you spend a night in a clinic to monitor your sleep activity. The sleep study provides a more accurate account of the episodes rather than rely on your own diagnosis.
Options for sleep apnea treatment include:
- Dental device for sleep apnea. Moderate or mild sleep apnea treatment often is best treated with a custom-made dental mouthpiece for sleep apnea treatment.
- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Commonly known as a CPAP machine, this usually is the severe sleep apnea treatment of choice for many. It’s also useful for treating moderate and mild conditions.
Mild sleep apnea treatment often works well. A well-maintained and personally-fit dental appliance sometimes is the best form of obstructive sleep apnea treatment. An oral dental appliance for sleep apnea assures you get a calm night of rest for your partner and you.
An obstructive sleep apnea dental appliance pushes your lower jaw forward ever so slightly to prevent your throat muscles and surrounding tissues from blocking your airway when they collapse. Your Queens dentist creates a custom-fitted device. The dental device for sleep apnea is fine-tuned during subsequent dental visits to ensure its effectiveness.
Dental Device for Sleep Apnea at CitiDental
After talking to your dentist about sleep apnea treatment options, decide on a method that’s effective but that also is something that you will actually use. CPAP is an effective severe sleep apnea treatment and even for milder forms, but if you find the machine is too uncomfortable or too noisy, you might decide to stop using it altogether, putting your health at further risk.
For mild sleep apnea, you may decide that a dental mouthpiece for sleep apnea is a better alternative. It’s easy to use and fit to your mouth, so it may solve the comfort issues while ensuring you’ll use it use it on a regular basis.
Sleep apnea dental appliance cost typically is less than CPAP sleep apnea treatment. Sleep apnea dental appliance cost runs somewhere between $1,800 and $2,000, according to the American Sleep Association. This includes dental visit costs, as well as sleep apnea dental appliance cost. There’s a good chance that your health insurance will cover the costs, however.
Your Queens dentist is a sleep apnea dental appliance dentist. And since he’s your family dentist, he knows your background and your medical and dental history. He’s best suited to diagnose your sleep apnea. A thorough health history helps him narrow the chances of your risk levels for sleep apnea that may include:
- Obesity
- Fat accumulation around your airways
- High blood pressure
- Sinus problems or asthma
- Smoking
- Enlarged adenoids or tonsils
- Gender
- Family history of the condition
- Diabetes